Industries & Solutions



Today’s success is based on complete solutions, integrating technical and economic aspects, on systems and networks on various conditions that must be taken into consideration.

In the field of construction R & T Group cooperates with serious partners. One of our closest associates is the architecture studio “Space” in Stuttgart, Germany.

Ofroar every service of the R & T Group is the European standards quality conformity and certification of the Europequality conformity and certification of the European Union.

Structural engineering

Structural engineering

Design and site supervision for:

  • Structural framework
  • Buildings
  • Concrete constructions
  • Steel constructions
  • Composite constructions
  • Industrial and residential constructions

Civil engineering

Special foundations

Geotechnical advisory services

Underground structures

Infrastructure systems

Heating, air condition, ventilation, electrical installations plus:

  • Telephony
  • Optical Fiber
  • Fixed line and Wireless Internet
  • Radio systems
  • Security systems


Plasterwork with gypsum

Internal and external restoration:

  • Historical objects
  • Cultural objects
  • Architectural valuable objects
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